Bueno, en primer lugar, no existe nada parecido a una "batería solar" y técnicamente cualquier batería secundaria se puede utilizar junto con la energía solar fotovoltaica.. Hay NiCd, iones de litio, Plomo-ácido, …
The electrolyte in these are typically liquid.
El plomo ácido ha sido el comúnmente utilizado en el pasado para aplicaciones fuera de la red., debido al costo, though life is pretty bad in comparison to Li-ion, which is really high cost, good life, and high energy density (low space for the same capacity.) And we’ve got Flow batteries that are up in coming – which have much lower price potential than Li-ion, good life, and decent energy density.
Plomo-ácido – Sulfuric Acid
iones de litio – Lithium Salt solution in an organic solvent
NiCd – Ionic Salt solution in an organic solvent (such as Potassium Hydroxide)
Flow battery – Various salt solutions in water.