je suppose que tu pourrais, mais pourquoi s'embêter? Les banques d'alimentation USB sont tellement bon marché maintenant que vous devriez en acheter une. J'ai calculé ce qu'il me coûterait de construire ma propre banque d'alimentation à partir de 18650 Cellules Li-ion, et au moment où j'ai fixé le prix des composants, les cellules, l'enceinte, les connecteurs et ainsi de suite, it was cheaper to just buy one.
Lithium titanate batteries are a lot more expensive than the more popular chemistries. The good news about this battery type is that it can recharge more quickly than other lithium battery chemistries, but the bad news is that they are an odd voltage, so that would very likely require a unique circuit design.
Perhaps soon some manufacturer will build power banks from these cells. You will save a lot of money and time by waiting for someone else to build and sell them. But if you like to tinker, go right ahead.